Trailer Park Podcast #133

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Join us for TPP 133! Free Guy has gone through multiple delays and several marketing campaigns to finally arrive as our headliner for TPP 133 and we'll tell you if it was worth the wait. M. Night Shyamalan is back to trick us once again with his new movie Old and we would like to suggest to M. Night that his next movie after this one should be called Trust and it should be about a film director who always makes promises and never follows through. Neil Blomkamp has finally arrived in the horror genre holding down the fulcrum with his new film Demonic. Nicolas Cage returns to TPP with a movie about a psychologically damaged chef who has his truffle pig kidnapped from him. Let me say that again - psychologically damaged chef, kidnapped truffle pig. The crazy is chock full of nudity in the five hole with Titane, the new movie from the director of Raw and although we read the synopsis and watched and enjoyed the trailer several times - we still have no idea what it is about.