The Intern Archive Update #46
Trailer #1: Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
Directed by J.J. Abrams starring Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher
Intern Review: The remake of A New Hope happens here. We can all have a New Hope that the next one will not be a remake of any other Star Wars. Abrams made Star Trek great and didn't do to much with this one. On the other hand the chemistry is cosmic between the characters in this movie and it was a lot of fun to watch.
Nathan excited
Daniel excited
Intern excited
Rotten Tomatoes 92% IMDb 8.1 Intern +2
Points Nathan 1 Daniel 1 Intern 1
Trailer #2: Sisters
Directed by Jason Moore starring Amy Poehler and Tina Fey
Intern Review: This is exactly what is expected a two hour SNL skit.
Nathan worried
Daniel worried
Intern 7 minutes of laughter worried
Rotten Tomatoes 60% IMDb 6.0 Intern low +1
Points Nathan 2 Daniel 2 Intern 2
Trailer #3: He Never Died
Directed by Jason Krawczyk starring Henry Rollins, Booboo Stewart and Kate Greenhouse
Intern Review: Straight from the Bible, Jack happens to be eternal and we get to experience the daily life of someone who is pretty bored with life. Also goop. All in all this one is worth a watch.
Nathan excited
Daniel excited
Intern seems like a soap opera off worried
Rotten Tomatoes 87% IMDb 6.4 Intern +1
Points Nathan 3 Daniel 3 Intern 2
Trailer #4: Joy
Directed by David O. Russell starring Jay Law, Robby De Niro, and Brad Coopy Cooper
Intern Review: Joy goes from nothing and nobody to the super famous somebody that sells a mop on paid for product tv advertising. This movie will knock your socks off if that story sounds like a gripping one to you. But the only thing worth gripping onto is the mop in the movie as the movie is a far cry from David O. Russell's best work of Silver Linings Playbook. Saying this it may be better on a second watch.
Nathan Souless empty worried
Daniel not on board worried
Intern same cast in all the O Russell movies worried
Rotten Tomatoes 60 % IMDb 6.6 Intern +1
Points Nathan 4 Daniel 4 Intern 3
Trailer #5: H8ful Eight
Directed by Quentin Tarantino starring Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Leigh, and no other women.
Intern Review: A bounty hunter has a stop over in a cabin while bringing his bounty in for a payday. Who will last the night and collect the bounty. Skip the first hour of yelling and the rest of the movie is pretty good.
Nathan excited to complete the synchronicity.
Daniel excited on Kurt Russell alone
Intern Tarantino is one of the best excited (although this is his second worst movie after Death Proof)
Rotten Tomatoes 74% IMDb 7.8 Intern +2 barley
Points Nathan 5 Daniel 5 Intern 4
Winner of the IAU #46 is Nathan and Daniel
The percentage of accuracy from everyone involved so far with TPP
Intern 71%
Chelsea 63%
Amanda 63%
Nathan 62%
Daniel 58%